Building Sustainable Allied Health Services for Rural Communities

With 28% of Australians living in rural and remote areas, it’s clear that something more has to be done to support their needs. Edward Johnson, President of Services for Australian Rural & Remote Allied Health (SARRAH), Umbo Co-Founder and Speech Pathologist, joins me for a chat on building sustainable services for rural communities – in particular, how SARRAH is making a difference by providing the support that rural and remote Australian communities need. 

We talked about the importance of getting sustainable services to the bush, including how Ed is advocating for better workforce training distribution. We also chat about the integral role that SARRAH plays in making this happen, as well as his thoughts on the future of the NDIS and what he thinks needs to change for real progress to happen.

Topics covered on getting sustainable services to rural communities, the role of SARRAH, and the future of the NDIS:

  • How to build sustainable services with clinician support, showing how this works on a small scale, and advocating for better workforce training pathways across all of Australia.
  • The need for more undergraduate training and experiences, the Allied Health Rural Generalist Pathway (AHRGP) for allied health professionals and for allied health assistants, and the upcoming online national conference with the theme of People, Purpose, Passion: Pathways to Success.
  • Why Edward would change the word “I” in NDIS, and seeing a change in the way allied health is trained in university. 

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More about The Private Practice Made Perfect Show: 

The Private Practice Made Perfect podcast is a much loved conversation for those wanting to hear real life Australian Allied Health business stories, adventures and the occasional confession. 

The outstanding guest list includes business owners and wonderful small business supporters such as accountants, marketers, bookkeepers, IT wizards, virtual assistants, lawyers and more. 

As you know, it takes a village to run a business. Cathy gathers the tribe, captures the collective wisdom and conveniently delivers it to your earbuds. 

All episodes are chatty, honest and practical… warning… we often stray from the topic, talk of wine and laugh loudly. 

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Edward Johnson

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