Rethinking the Term “Supervision” and the Problem with Modern Views on Self-Care

Clinical Supervisor Natalie Jack joins the podcast for a wonderful discussion about her professional evolution, as well as the role of supervision in the Allied Health community as a whole. She speaks about her beginnings as a Musical Therapist, the value of good supervisions, clinical supervision as a new graduate, and mental health first aid training programs. 

You’ll also hear Natalie share her thoughts on why the term “supervision” should be renamed, and a piece on ego and dependency between the supervisor and supervisee. Natalie also talks in-depth about her observations on wellness and mental health in the Allied Health industry, including empathy vs. compassion, burnout, and self-care. 

Topics covered on looking at supervision differently, ego and dependency in the supervisor-supervisee relationship, and mental health: 

  • Why supervision should be renamed to “supported reflective practice”, challenging and overcoming the assumption that supervisors should be older and more experienced, and resetting people’s expectations of supervision. 
  • How to make sure the person being supervised doesn’t become dependent on the supervisor, being mindful and understanding, and always being open to learning something herself as a supervisor. 
  • The differences between empathy and compassion, understanding empathy fatigue and burnout, facilitating the shift to committing to mental health and wellness, and rethinking self-care and how it’s becoming commercialised.  

Connect with Natalie Jack 

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 Connect with Nacre Consulting:  

More about The Private Practice Made Perfect Show:  

The Private Practice Made Perfect podcast is a much loved conversation for those wanting to hear real life Australian Allied Health business stories, adventures and the occasional confession.  

The outstanding guest list includes business owners and wonderful small business supporters such as accountants, marketers, bookkeepers, IT wizards, virtual assistants, lawyers and more.  

As you know, it takes a village to run a business. Cathy gathers the tribe, captures the collective wisdom and conveniently delivers it to your earbuds.  

All episodes are chatty, honest and practical… warning… we often stray from the topic, talk of wine and laugh loudly.   

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Natalie Jack

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