From Speech Pathologist to Allied Health Business Owner

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Gabriella Ptasznik, Founding Director at GRP Speech Pathology, makes her debut on the PPMP podcast to share her journey as an Allied Health Business Owner.

You’ll hear her discuss her transition from clinician to Business Owner and why it was a no-brainer for her, what it’s like leading a team of Speech Pathologists, and even how she encourages everyone on the team to always strive for more. 

Topics covered on Gabriella’s journey:

  • How she fosters learning development programs.
  • The challenges of being a remote team from a management and leadership point of view.
  • Why you should see your staff as another type of customer.
  • Learning the nuts and bolts of the business including finances, marketing, and decision-making frameworks.
  • What she’s hoping to see in the NDIS for the future.
  • Her favourite books.
  • How she’s investing in herself as a CEO.

Connect with Gabriella Ptasznik 

Connect with Nacre Consulting: 

More about The Private Practice Made Perfect Show: 

The Private Practice Made Perfect podcast is a much loved conversation for those wanting to hear real life Australian Allied Health business stories, adventures and the occasional confession. 

The outstanding guest list includes business owners and wonderful small business supporters such as accountants, marketers, bookkeepers, IT wizards, virtual assistants, lawyers and more. 

As you know, it takes a village to run a business. Cathy gathers the tribe, captures the collective wisdom and conveniently delivers it to your earbuds. 

All episodes are chatty, honest and practical… warning… we often stray from the topic, talk of wine and laugh loudly. 

Gabriella Ptasznik

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