New NDIS IT System is not so PACEy

We had high hopes for PACE, the new client management system implemented by the NDIA in October 2023. 

Teething issues were predictable and Nacre Consulting members as well as others in the registered provider community are telling us that they are experiencing some challenges with their claims being processed successful, largely to do with the endorsement process. Even when they believe that they’ve been endorsed by a Participant and they have accepted that endorsement as is the stated process, some are still unable to successfully process a claim. 

Unfortunately, there are also reports that the call centre is not always able to resolve these issues. 

We are told by our members that there are occasions where two levels of endorsement are required – a ‘general’ endorsement and a second one that is specific to the support type (so far this has been in relation to behaviour support in our experience).  

Another issue that has arisen is a requirement for businesses providing supports to Participants who are Plan Managing their funding to also be endorsed on PACE. Our understanding was that this endorsement would be automatic once a Plan Manager lodges a claim.

Confusion reigns.

We are curious to know how you are finding the new platform and processes?  

What’s working? 

What isn’t working yet? 

 It is certainly feeling like a go, no go situation at the moment.  

We are also wondering the extent to which it has changed up your Standard Operating Procedures as we are well aware that new technologies nearly always requires humans to initially perform in new super human ways until such time it becomes your next new normal.  

We encourage Nacre Consulting members as well as the provider community as a whole to share their solutions wherever possible to avoid the many, many hours of lost time on the phone trying to sort it out so that claims can be made successfully, and Participant support can continue uninterrupted. 

We welcome this sharing for Allied Health Business Owners in our wonderful Facebook group Private Practice Made Perfect which you can find here  

Contact Nacre Consulting for a no cost, no obligation phone call here.


Chantelle Robards
Chantelle Robards has a long history with supporting the NDIS marketplace through provision of technical information and advocacy. As a speech pathologist who continues to support a small caseload she has comprehensive insight into the business community especially with regards to the NDIS. Chantelle's ultimate goal is to ensure an ethical and thriving market place that provides the very best of support to all Australians who are seeking it.

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