Growing Your Business Starts with Hiring a Great Team

Growing your business, building a great team and leading it are common challenges that allied health business owners go through. It certainly isn’t a bed of roses to run a business but it is definitely rewarding especially when you love what you do.

Jackie Sikic, Occupational Therapist and Director of Kid Link joins us today in this episode to talk about her experience and journey in growing her team and business. It wasn’t an easy ride for Jackie but with dedication and love for what she does, she has achieved what she really wants in her private practice.

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Episode highlights:

  • A description of her business today and 5-6 years ago.
  • What drove her into the world of private practice.
  • Her experience in starting and growing her business.
  • Her move from being mobile to having her own rooms.
  • Growing her team.
  • Highlights of leading a team.
  • How the culture of their team developed.
  • Darker nights and steeper learning curves in her business.
  • Her current challenges in private practice.
  • One thing she would change if she were the CEO of the NDIS.
  • The look of her clinical – management activities week by week.
  • Understanding the accounting in her business.
  • Her plans for the next 12 months.
  • Jackie asks Cathy what drives her to help business owners.
  • Jackie’s tips for other allied health business owners.

Useful Links:

Kid Link Website

Jackie Sikic

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