Bringing in Support for your Business to Gear for Success

When I started my Allied Health Business, it had fast growth although it wasn’t particularly well managed in hindsight. As allied health professionals, being a business owner isn’t what we went to university for; and having time for proper business training isn’t always the case. So, the business side of things can feel very overwhelming.

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Running a business with great support

There are two things I want to ask you:
Who are your business co-pilots?
Who are your support crew?

Running any business without great support, without mentoring, without an extra set of eyes and that trusted co-pilot is really doing business the hard way. I know this for a fact because as soon as I got the support I needed in my own private practice, I felt and saw a massive difference. It went from zero to significant on every single factor you would want to measure.

What is covered in this episode:

  • The Business Continuum.
  • Accelerating your private practice to a starring business.
  • Important questions you need to ask yourself.
  • The process of how I worked on my private practice.
  • What I learned really fast.
  • The outcomes of the process.
  • Our business community and services.
  • Getting the right support you need for the business.


Cathy Love

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