Why Business Owners Should Never Stop Learning


Sure, we’ve all heard it before. “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.” “You learn something new every day.” Even Michelangelo famously said “I am still learning” at the ripe age of 87.

But it is just so beautifully true. 

We really do never stop learning. And for business owners, understanding the importance of that is where the motivation lies.

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My guest on this week’s PPMP Podcast episode is perfect proof of why business owners should never stop learning. It was a pleasure speaking with Shae Rodgers – Certified Practising Speech Pathologist and Founding Director of Small Talk Speech Therapy in New South Wales. 

In the episode you’ll hear Shae discuss her many side passion projects, her visions for the next five years in terms of her business and the NDIS, as well as managing while she was on maternity leave and how podcasts have become a huge part of her life. (Get your pens out because she’s got some fantastic recommendations).

Learning is what drives us through life. What drives us to want to get better at everything we do. As a leader, wanting to be better at leading is not only going to benefit yourself, but perhaps even more so your business and your team. 

As with every guest, Shae shares her best tips for other business owners – and you don’t want to miss out on these.

Without giving it all away, one of the most prominent ones centres around getting back to the real core of things.

Why are you doing this? Why did you get into this in the first place? What motivates you?

These are just some questions Shae urges other business owners to ask when things start to get tough. 

It’s almost like re-learning or reacquainting yourself with the heart of your business and where it all started. And once you’re clear on that, you can float through and perhaps even connect with others who are in the same boat – which we all know is a great way of helping us get through even the most challenging times.

As I always say, your business is only as good as you are. And what better way to grow and get your business where you want it to be than to learn as much as you can every single day?

Shae Rodgers

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